Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up – Lesson Four

Will  the Real Jesus Please Stand UP by Kris Key

Lesson 4 of a 4 part series

Note: This Bible study is formatted for small group discussion. If using study individually, we suggest you journal your answers.


As we continue with “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?” we have to ask ourselves: If Jesus is all and in all and we have chosen to live for Him, then will we stand up for Jesus? Will we be bold and confident in who we are in Christ that no matter the imposters around us, we will stand for the TRUTH? Will you surrender everything to be fully committed to Jesus Christ?

As we focus on our final scripture continue to pray for the Power of the Holy Spirit to move in our hearts and minds that we would be transformed into the likeness of Christ.


Read 1Corinthians 15: 1-2 and 15: 56-58.

Paul believes that all those who believe in Christ should live their lives in such a way that is honoring to the Lord. Whether by word or deed we proclaim our values to others by the choices we make. Paul concludes his letter to the church in Corinth with repeating when he first preached the Gospel to them and they believed. Paul is reminding them to come back to the TRUTH and to refocus on Jesus who gave His life that we might stand firm in our understanding of life eternal through Jesus death and resurrection.

Their life of faith should be one in which they stand firm in and not lose focus or grow weary doing so.

In verse two there is a confidence that the God who began a good work will surely bring it to completion. (Philippians 1:6)

Discussion Questions:

 What must we do to stand firm? As Christians? As a church?


How does this encourage you in your faith journey?


Do you ever feel as though your commitment to the Gospel is pointless or powerless?

What helps you refocus?



God has claimed us as His and we are made in His image. Even when we are unlovable, God continues to love us and offer us grace.

The story of Jesus never grows old as it impacts generation upon generation and we see our own stories weaved through the tapestry of God’s redeeming love.

God’s grace is available for all as we begin a life of faith and God changes us from the inside out if we allow Him!

Share or journal an experience where the story of Jesus impacted your life.



Read ICorinthians 15: 56-58.

We come to the question once again – “Will you stand up for Jesus?”

For nothing we do is in vain because of what Jesus did for us.

Throughout chapter 15 – Paul gives testimony of the evidence of the death and resurrection of Jesus through the scriptures and eyewitnesses. It is sin that brought about our demise and deemed us powerless, with what appeared Satan winning. Sin brings death and the sting of death! But God defeated Satan once and for all in the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus was victorious over death therefore we have nothing to fear in death.

Romans 5:12, 6:23, 7:7-20 (also see Hebrews 2: 14-15)

When we can’t keep the law we have the gift of forgiveness through the cross of Jesus. Sin no longer has any hold on those who believe and allow the Holy Spirit to reign in their lives.

God gave us laws to live by, however we often cannot live up to God’s laws and that is why we desperately need a Savior!


Discussion Questions:

Where are you trying to live by the law rather than in the freedom of grace and mercy?


How are you claiming the promise of the victory we have in Jesus?



The command is given for all to stand firm, let nothing move you. In what ways are you or have you obeyed this command?



We as dearly loved people of God must be intentional each and every day to follow God’s agenda in spreading the Gospel, making disciples and bearing fruit that will last.  We must renew that same spirit of complete surrender, determination, faithfulness, steadfastness, consistency and perseverance – no matter what we face or the cost.

We cannot afford to give up but instead with the passion Paul displays to be immovable in our stand for Christ.


Discussion Questions:

What has been distracting or blinding you from remaining immovable and faithful?


How can you stand firm and stand up for Jesus in your sphere of influence?


How can keeping your focus on Jesus instead of circumstances help you stand firm? (Hebrews 12: 1-3)


Will you allow the Real Jesus in you to stand up and stand firm by the power of the Holy Spirit?



Thanks be to God that we can stand up on the solid rock of Jesus because we have victory in Him.


Action steps –

What has God’s Word revealed about your kingdom perspective?


What changes need to happen in your life to stand up for Jesus?



As we conclude this 4 part series Bible study and reflect on the first lesson, do you remember the TV show “To Tell the Truth”? After spending time in the Word of God where would you find yourself if you were a contestant on the show? Would you represent the imposters or would the judges be able to identify you as the likeness of the “real” Jesus?

Journal your responses and date it to hold yourself accountable.

Close your time in prayer. Ask the Lord to direct your steps by the power of the Holy Spirit to stand up for Him.


Kris Key