Women’s Ministry Survey

This survey has been used by churches to reach out to women in their congregation and their community in order to provide ministry that is Christ-centered, biblically based, and relevant to women’s lives today.  If your women’s ministry is looking to offer a program that will provide opportunity for spiritual growth and meaningful mission projects, this survey will help you target the specific needs of your group.

Women’s Ministry Survey

Please take a few moments to answer these questions concerning women’s ministry at our church. Women’s ministry is about encouraging, enabling, and equipping women for the purpose of developing a closer relationship with Christ, the Church, and the community. Your input is vital in beginning a process of prayer and discernment for the specific spiritual needs of the women at _______________________United Methodist Church.

  1. Age:   __16-21     __21-30   __31-40   __41-50   __51-60   __61-70   __71 plus


  1. Status:   __Single   __Married   __Divorced   __Widowed


  1. Occupation:   ________________________________


  1. Preferred Time for women’s ministry meetings/events:


__Morning       __Afternoons   __Evenings


  1. Preferred Day for women’s ministry meetings/events:


__Monday   __Tuesday   __Wednesday   __Thursday   __Friday   __Saturday


  1. Would you need baby-sitting services during women’s ministries meetings/events: _____


  1. Are you currently or have you been involved in any of the following at ___________ UMC?


Regular worship attendance ___

Sunday School Class ___

United Methodist Women ___

Bible Study ___

Prayer Group ___

Other (please name) ______________


  1. If you could have a need fulfilled by a women’s ministry program, what would it be?

(Check all that apply.)

Fellowship with women in my life stage   ___

Fellowship with women of all ages   ___

Introductory/short term Bible study   ___

In-depth/long term Bible study   ___

Single women’s ministry   ___

Mentoring ministry   ___

Annual women’s weekend retreat ministry   ___

Special event ministry (i.e. Beth Moore, Women of Faith conferences)   ___

Christian career women ministry   ___

Abortion Recovery ministry   ___

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) ministry   ___

Community events ministry   ___

Outreach ministry   ___

Other   _________________________________________________________


  1. If you are not currently involved in church/women’s ministry, what barriers exist to your involvement? (Check all that apply.)


Times not convenient ___

Family/Work Demands   ___

Health Issues   ___

Transportation Issues   ___

Financial Issues   ___

Nothing offered of interest   ___

Other   __________________


  1. What 3 things would make your life more meaningful?


Close, personal relationship with God   ___

Close, personal Christian friendships   ___

Learning to study the Bible ___

Setting specific spiritual goals   ___

Better physical health   ___

Better time management   ___

Better marriage   ___

Better prayer life ___

Stronger spiritual leadership in the home   ___

Better relationships with children   ___

Healing from past mistakes   ___

Healthy finances   ___

Finding a spouse   ____

Career success   ___

Better psychological/emotional health ___

Help with aging parents ___

Prayer/Accountability partner   ___


  1. Do you have a “passion” for participating in a women’s ministry in your church?



  1. Would you be willing to serve on a women’s ministry steering team to see this “passion” fulfilled in your church? If so, please provide your name and phone number so we may contact you. If you would like this survey kept anonymous, please contact _____________ to express your interest in serving.




  1. What mission projects both in our community and beyond would you like to see our Women’s Ministry become involved in?



  1. If you could choose one goal that women’s ministries should attain, what would it be?


  1. Contact information (not required):








Thank you so much for your participation in this women’s ministry survey. It will be very beneficial in gathering information about the specific needs of the women in our church. It is our prayer that a vibrant, fruitful women’s ministry will glorify God and enrich the families of ______________United Methodist Church.

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