Will The Real Jesus Please Stand UP – Lesson Three
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up by Rev. Kris Key
Lesson 3 of a 4 part series
Note: This Bible study is formatted for small group discussion. If using study individually, we suggest you journal your answers.
Our scripture focus for this lesson is from Paul’s letter to the Colossians. He is writing his letter from prison in Rome around A.D. 60 to a small village on a trade route in central Asia-Minor (present day Turkey). We know from Luke’s writings in Acts (Acts 19:10) that the Word of the Lord went out to this area from Ephesus as Paul preached in the synagogue speaking boldly about the kingdom of God. The church in Colosse was under attack as false teaching began to penetrate the hearts and minds of those within the church. Paul wants the Christian believers to remember the TRUTH and how to live a life with Christ that will bear fruit for the kingdom of God. As we dig further into the scripture we must make the decision for ourselves whether Christ is completely adequate. Is Jesus enough or have we fallen prey to the deception of the lies of the world and our old sinful nature?
Read Colossians 3:1-17
Focusing our attention on the first 4 verses we notice Chapter 3 begins with a “therefore” (NASB), “since then” (NIV) which should cause us to ask what is it there for? What is the connection and why is this important? The previous chapter has given its readers the complete knowledge of the fullness of Christ so that all Christians may have the “full riches of complete understanding in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col. 2: 2-3)
We have received Christ as Lord, so we must continue to live in Him and for Him. In Chapter 3 Paul tells us how we can do just that. “Therefore” this is how we as Christians need to live our lives and reflect the person of Christ.
What are the commands given to obey?
Where is our focus for daily living?
We are told to set out hearts and our minds on things above. Setting our hearts and minds on things about means concentrating on those things that are eternal and not temporary.
Stop right now and make two lists. One labeled things eternal and the other temporary.
Discussion Questions:
Where is your daily focus?
How can your heart and mind be renewed and transformed?
If we have died to self then the temporary or worldly things would not be our focus. Why? Because we find our security and assurance in Christ. This is our promise to claim with new life hidden in Christ. When Christ is alive in me, no darkness, no lies, can exist. Dark and light cannot occupy the same space so must make the choice to focus on the things above.
Reread Colossians 3:1-10
Discussion Questions:
What dark places need to be put to death in your life? (old habits, old practices)
Where have I sought to please man (the world) instead of the Lord?
How will you begin to “rid yourself of all such things” and try new practices with Jesus? How will you allow the renewing of your heart and mind to take over your daily life?
See Philippians 4:8-9 for more practical ways of focusing on Christ. Journal what you discover.
Jesus Christ is in everything and is the only thing that really matters.
Christ alone!
The popular modern hymn “In Christ Alone” conveys the power of the Gospel written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend. This hymn embraces the uniqueness and power of Christ in a world filled with false teaching, imposters and an unbelieving generation. This song tells the gospel story as it aims to strengthen the Christian believer to let Christ be your all in all This song focuses on the Word of God to renew and transform hearts and minds to further the Kingdom of God.
Listen to this modern hymn and be encouraged.
If Christ is all and is in all how do you claim this promise on a daily basis?
How can we as the Body of Christ demonstrate the love of Jesus that no one is better than another because Christ died for all? List some ways you can personally make a difference in your sphere of influence:
Reread Colossians 3: 12-17
As we focus on these scriptures Paul gives us practical steps to take to live for the Lord every day. Notice that we are called to live as holy and loved people of God. We all have the choice to choose who and what we will imitate!
Our attitudes, our words and actions all make a difference as we strive to reflect Jesus.
List the attitudes and practical ways Paul gives us to live a holy life in Christ:
We are all called to live a life worthy of the Gospel and to bear fruit that will last. For we represent Jesus at all times as Christians.
Discussion Questions:
What decisions must you make in order to be clothed with the characteristics of Christ?
How can you seek to live a peace filled life and promote peace in your sphere of influence?
How are you bringing honor and glory to God in all that you do?
Action steps
What has God’s Word revealed about your kingdom perspective?
What changes need to happen in your life to stand up for Jesus?
Journal your responses and date it to hold yourself accountable.
Close your time in prayer. Ask the Lord to direct your steps by the power of the Holy Spirit to stand up for Him.
- Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up – Lesson Four - April 23, 2015
- Will The Real Jesus Please Stand UP – Lesson Three - April 23, 2015
- Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up – Lesson Two - April 23, 2015